
Since 1976, WCSB has been the student-run radio station of Cleveland State University broadcasting live online and at 89.3FM. They feature Hispanic, German, Hungarian, Polish, Irish, Arabic, and Slovenian programs as well as weekly public affairs programs ranging in subject matter from social justice to space exploration.


  • Content Strategy & Copywriting
  • Design & Creative Services
  • Full-Stack & Software Development
  • Mobile App Development
  • User Experience & UI Design
  • Web Design & Development

Fresh, New Look

The website refresh offers the same great features with a brand new look to help showcase the personality of WCSB and its DJs. Program pages are the home for each show, with live news feeds allowing hosts to post updates and other features on their own show pages. Episode archives allow users to access the latest episode from all of their favorite shows instantly.

WCSB Fresh New Look

Listen Live

Users can listen to WCSB live online 24/7. Our updated web player allows users to view the currently playing song & artist along with the current show & host. A new request form allows users to request their favorite song or artist without having to pick up the phone.

WCSB Listen Live

A New Queue

DJs have access to a new control player any time they’re on air. With the new request form, submissions automatically feed into the DJ dashboard. Users can add and remove items from the queue of songs to alert users of what’s playing live in the web player window.

WCSB New Queue